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Morris High School

"In the very near future we’ll be leaving Morris and going our separate ways. Our first job will be to bring this war to a victorious conclusion as quickly as possible. To some this will mean continued training in college, to others of us it will mean service in the armed forces, and to others still, a job vital to victory."

From the class Victory Song to several student-authored prose and verse pieces, the 1944 graduating class of Morris High School chose to relay their feelings and reflections on their high school careers through more words than images. In a piece entitled ‘Treasure Hunt,’ a graduating senior is about throw out all his old school papers, but decides to keep them because they bring back fond memories. Other students describe their ‘Thoughts On A Last Day’ and being ‘At The Crossroads.’ In most of the written works, WWII looms large. If you were to write a short story or poem about your high school career what would the title and tone be?

Morris High School

From the Collection of The National WWII Museum

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